Chères collègues, chers collègues,
Dans le cadre de l'appel de propositions lié au Programme de chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC), la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) sollicite des candidatures afin de pourvoir à un poste de professeure ou professeur pour une CRC de niveau 2. La proposition de CRC devra s'inscrire dans le thème fédérateur "Vivre ensemble : cultures, pluralité, gouvernance et équité". Voir l'offre d'emploi ci-dessous. La date limite pour soumettre sa candidature est le VENDREDI 30 AOÛT 2024, À 17 h. Pr David Koussens Vice-doyen à la recherche et aux relations internationales Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche Droit, religion et laïcité Faculté de Droit Université de Sherbrooke 2500, boulevard de l'Université Sherbrooke QC J1K 2R1 Canada
Milieu de vie privilégié au cœur de la ville de Québec, l’Université Laval est une grande université complète reconnue pour sa culture de l’excellence en enseignement et en recherche. Depuis plus de 75 ans, l’École de travail social et de criminologie de l'Université Laval offre des programmes en travail social, en criminologie et en gérontologie. Elle participe également à l'enseignement et à la direction de plusieurs autres programmes, notamment en études sur le vieillissement, en études féministes, et en études sur la violence. Rattachée à la Faculté des sciences sociales, l’École compte sur une équipe d’environ 40 personnes afin de former des travailleuses et travailleurs compétents, dotés d’un sens critique et éthique aiguisé qui deviendront des actrices et acteurs de changement pour assurer le mieux-être des personnes et des collectivités d’ici et d’ailleurs. Milieu d’échange stimulant, notre école adhère à des valeurs et à des principes de justice sociale et favorise la promotion des droits de la personne, du développement social et du respect de la diversité humaine, dans un esprit d’ouverture, de diversité et de dialogue. The Program in Law, Justice & Society (LJS) and the Department of Political Science at Dalhousie University invite applications for a Probationary Tenure-Track Appointment at the Assistant Professor level, effective 1 July 2024.
This cross-appointed position will cover courses in Law, Justice & Society and Political Science. Courses may include LJSO 3000: Processes of Justice; LJSO 3500: Legal Research & Writing; LJSO 3600: Critical Legal Studies; POLI 4505: Human Rights: Legal Issues; and POLI 3446: The Politics of Crime. The teaching load will typically be 2-2, with two courses taught in each of the Fall and Winter terms. There will be a course release in each of the first and second years to enable candidates to establish and develop their research programs. The position will include participation in and assistance with the management and administration of the LJS program, including student advising, the supervision of honours students, and program coordination. The candidate must have a PhD in Political Science or a related field completed by the 1 July 2024 start date; if the PhD is not in Political Science, the candidate must otherwise demonstrate strong competence in Political Science. Candidates must have a record of excellence in teaching at the university level, and must show an ability to teach and develop classes in the politics of crime. Candidates should also demonstrate a strong record of research in the areas of politics of crime, legal studies, and /or human rights. More details and application portal can be found here The Department of Gender Studies invites applications for the position of Associate Professor with tenure or Professor with tenure, and Chair of the Department of Gender Studies. Rank and status of the appointment will be determined in accordance with the Unit Standard of the Department and the provisions of the Collective Agreement. The effective date of the appointment is July 1, 2024.
Duties will include research, teaching, and service, as well as administrative service as the Chair of the Department for a 5-year term starting July 1, 2024. More details can be found here The legacies of racism and colonialism, and various manifestations of structural inequality, continue to shape this present moment. From the recent identification of hundreds of unmarked graves in Canadian residential schools for Indigenous people, to the rising police violence that led to the killing of George Floyd and the expansion of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) social movement, to the increasing incarceration rates and health disparities of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and the rising violence against transgender people, these issues and more continue to directly impact BIPOC peoples’ access to education, employment, financial resources, and other forms of support, as well as various networking and community building opportunities. These issues also shape scholarly research and other forms of knowledge production, and are manifest in various settings, including at our institutions of formal learning. The Research Cluster for the Study of Racism and Social Inequality (The Cluster) is looking for a postdoctoral fellow for 2023-2024 whose research supports original/cutting-edge research related to cluster themes listed below. The postdoctoral fellowship opportunity is connected to theme-related programming fostered by the Research Cluster and calls on applicants to propose one or more areas of engagement as the basis for the yearlong postdoctoral fellowship. More information can be found in the file attached below
The hiring committee is interested in receiving applications from candidates who have expertise in one or more of the following areas: 1) Colonialism and criminology, which may include Indigenous knowledges, laws, and ethics, and/or decolonial perspectives on settler state violence; 2) Crime and capitalism, which may include the criminalization of poverty and unhoused peoples, white collar crime, financial and corporate corruption; 3) Criminalization of health and disability, which may include cripping criminology, the policing of public health, health law and policy. More details can be found in the PDF file below!
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